2 de maio de 2010

2005: Kimi responde a perguntas de leitores


Iltalehti's readers had an unique chance to ask through the net whatever they wanted from McLaren's Kimi Räikkönen. We got over 2000 questions and Kimi answered to the most interesting ones.
Are you the world's best F1-driver?

- Oi, Jonna threw in a bad one. What else can one say except of course.
What did you think one minute before the start in Indianapolis, USA?

- What was I thinking... to drive or not to drive...? It bugged me of course.
Would it be good if there was a regulation so that you could change tyres during the race?

- You mean going back to the old system? Noooo, this current situation is good.
How would you think F1 could get more visibility (overtakings etc.)?

- Less downforce to the cars and more grip to the tyres.
Are the rumours about you going to Ferrari true?

- No.
Would you like to race with M.Schumacher in the same team? Who would be your favourite team mate at the moment?

- I don't care much about the team mate. On the other hand that Schumi could be nice to have in the same team someday, then we would see which one of us would be faster with the same equipment.
How would you describe your and Montoya's differences in driving styles?

- Montoya has maybe a little more aggressive style, he wears out tyres more, he 'slides'.
How much can a driver decide in the team during a GP-weekend? Can you for example decide yourself how many times you come in and when?
Janne P.

- In principal the drivers don't get to decide, we decide upon it together in the team's meetings. Of course the driver gets the changes he wants to the car but the strategical decisions depend on so many things. There are people who calculate things so that they happen at the best possible time.

Your best memory from F1 so far?
2 Fast 4 You

- It has to be Monaco in May. It is such a legendary race and difficult to win. Anything can happen there. Then again the victory from Spa comes quite close.
What is physically most straining when driving F1 - fighting the G-powers, heat, dehydration, turning the steering wheel, or what?

- Well turning the steering wheel of course but in fact the hardest strain is in the neck. It is put on trial, especially when braking and accelerating.
What is the worst hit you have got in F1?
Formuloita seuraava limonaadintuhlaaja

- The worst must have been in the beginning, in Sauber's tests in Magny-Cours. I lost the car's control and drove into the beton wall. They took me to the hospital with a helicopter, something was probably damaged in the back, the disk, but fortunately nothing more worse.
Which track do you like most? And least?

- Maybe I like Spa most. It's a track from the good old days, a racing-style track. There are up- and downhills - it's just so great. I don't think there's any bad track, all tracks are okay but sometimes the surroundings sucks.
What is the most embarrasing situation during your F1-career?

- I don't know if there is anything embarrassing... Maybe this isn't the most embarrassing thing but in one of my first races I almost won but then I slipped in oil and went wide and it bugged me. It didn't embarrass me but it bugged.
Do you get to keep all the trophys that you win? If you do, are they in your home in a center place?

- No, I don't get to keep them. I got one original trophy from Malaysia home with me. All the others are replicas so they aren't those you see in the ceremonies. The real ones go to the team. It differs in different teams but I make replicas of all trophies for myself. And they are in my home in Switzerland in a special place.
Do you have time to see the Finnish flags that are in the audience to cheer you when you drive?
Racer 98-99

- Yes, sometimes, if there are really big flags in a good place. If they are in the corners after the straights in the right places I might see them with side-eyes.
What would happen if a normal person would try F1? Would they even get it started and if they would, could they keep it under control?

- I guess they would get it started if they know how to use the clutch with a hand. I think that it would spin quite quickly or then it would go so slow that it would make no sense. Niki Lauda tried it a few years ago and he was spinning quite flashingly although he used to be a tough driver earlier.

Do you ever get the urge to pee during the race?

- I can't remember that it would ever have happened. If you need to pee you have to pull down your pants.
How does the water get out of the *** No swearing *** during rain?
Räikkönen on mestari!

- It doesn't come that much water in there because there is no room for it. Even though it would be pouring it hardly comes in at all. Your gloves and helmet get a little wet.
How do you get drinks during the race? Do you drink a lot during the race or do you even have time to think about it in that speed?

- It depends a little. In some races I drink during the race and in some races I don't drink at all. We get a drinking hose to the helmet and there's a button on the steering wheel and when pressing the button you get to drink.
How can you sneeze when you drive F1? One would assume that the helmet and the speed would make it difficult...

- I have never sneezed. I guess there's nothing to it, you just sneeze.
What was your first car?

- Lada. I sprayed it black with a spray bottle. I drove it for the first time when I had my birthday in 17.10. and the year was 1997. I got the car for free from friends because the engine was broken. I put in a new engine with my pals at school. Later on I sold it to my friend with 1000 FIM and he sold it to someone else with 1000 FIM.
What car do you normally drive with?

-Merc, a DTM-Merc, E55 AMG.
Where would you be now and what would you do if your F1-career would have remained only a dream?

- I guess my doings would have something to do with motorsporting. I would probably drive motorcross or some other vehicle with an engine, maybe even in some serie.
With who F1-driver do you spend most time with during the race weekends or during your free time?

- I don't really spend time with any driver. The closest people are found from other places, they are not the drivers.
When you get to spray champagne, why do you always take a sip before you start spraying it?
Mia 7v

- You have to taste the good stuff so it's not all wasted.
Do too eager female fans disturb your life?

- No. I get mail from one Italian woman every single week, mostly cards.
Would you wish there were female F1-drivers?

- I wouldn't mind if there were women too.
Which karting-track in Finland is the best one according to your own opinion?

- Kimi Circuit in Lappeenranta, Muuko.
How did your dog get the name Ajax?

- He was already named Ajax when I bought him from Switzerland. And because we couldn't come up with a better name we left it as it was.

Motorsporting is your job but how much time do you have to do other sports?

- In the summer I have less time of course when the season is on but otherwise really lots of different things. In the winter motorsledge, in the summer motocross and water-jets, golf, tennis, gym, all kinds of things. I just beat Mark (Arnall) in tennis.
Have you ever given any money to charity, for example to cancer-sick children or something like that?

- I have worked with SOS Children Village for several years already.
How is your marriage doing?
Avioliiton puolesta

- Fine.
When can we expect babies with Jenni?

- Not quite in a while. You should ask this from my wife...
Have you ever tried horseback-riding and what did you think of it?
Hevostyttö (Horsegirl)

- I've tried it twice but it's a bit tricky because I'm allergic to horses. But I got the horse to gallop at once because I got so good advice. And I didn't fall. But I will leave the horse-stuff to my wife.
Where do you get your hair cut and do you have an own stylist or do you always choose your own clothes?

- I don't exactly have a stylist but Kukka Kuparinen cuts my hair in Helsinki Katjamaria.
Your favourite book? Do you have time to read during the season?

- I am in the middle of James Hunt's biography.
You have been in the pioneers when you where young. What kind of memories do you have from pioneering acticity?

- I have never been in pioneers as far as I know. I might have been at some skiing camp with my cousin's mother that might have had something to do with the matter.

I heard that after you got your driver's licence you went flat out in Helsinki center with your Lada every now and then, you friends where stiffed with horror when sitting in the car. Is this true? Someone who has once been in your ride told me...

- I already confessed the Lada but I think I used to drive in Espoo unless I then sometimes got lost all the way to Helsinki...
How old will you drive F1?

- I guess I have strenght to circulate here for some time.
What do you want to do when you are big meaning after your F1-career?

- I haven't decided yet. Something fun.

Kimi Raikkonen na festa “Flower Power” em Bracelona ???

Essa informação é do site El Periodico da Espanha, que afirma a presença do Iceman nessa festa junto com outros amigos e milionários da Europa. Para conferir a matéria em espanhol clique aqui. E para conferir em PDF na edição impressa aqui – mas apenas para assinantes.

Quem também carrega a reputação de ser um bebedor nato é Kimi Raikkonen, embora nunca tenha misturado álcool e direção o que o tornou o Campeão Mundial de F1 2007. – O finlandês voador desembarcou no clube com o estilo de um “skater” por volta da meia noite com: boné de beisebol com a aba virada para trás, blusa branca, calça jeans e tênis. Ele já havia confirmado a sua presença alguns dias para garantir um camarote reservado. Quando o avisaram da festa “flower Power” (o poder da flor em tradução livre), o Homem de gelo (Iceman em inglês, com ele tem tatuado em seu braço) não recusou. Dava na mesma. E a verdade é que uma vez estando lá, ele conferiu: um festival de dançarinas com minúsculas minissaias e dançando como quem se prega o “amor livre”, a decoração do local era com corações, articulações e sinais de paz; daqueles do Lennon e Yoko Ono, do “yellow Submarine” dos Beatles, além de Rolling Stones e Beach Boys...

Poker Face (“cara de pau”)
Se fosse em Helsinque ao invés de Barcelona, ele deveria estar na comemoração da festa da vodka e nem estaria ciente do “flower Power”. Oh! Talvez, quem sabe. Raikkonen, eu devo dizer, não provou nem uma gota (de álcool) e estava acompanhado de quatro amigos. E ele apenas disse uma frase para os jornalistas. Gostou da festa? “Sem fotos”. Você esta de férias por aqui? Poker face. Você vai estar no GP da Espanha de F1 no próximo final de semana em Montmelo? Poker face. “Eu gosto de Barcelo...? ” Tive uma boa noite” Uma hora e meia mais tarde, o chamado de “Iceman” saiu no meio da multidão vestida de flores. E ele quase cruzou com os jogadores de basquete do Barça, Peter Mickeal e Lubos Barton. La dentro a festa continuou....

Créditos: Fernando Immedia – El Periódico / Tradução: The Iceman Brasil - do Team

1 de maio de 2010

Organizadores do Rali de Gales esperam 100.000 telespectadores este ano

Os organizadores da rodade de Gales no WRC esperam atrair 100.000 visitantes trazendo 10 milhões de euros para a economia do país.

O chefe executivo da International Motor Sports Ltd Andrew Coe disse que a rota será extendita para dentro de Mid Wales pela primeira vez, neste ano.

O evento foi rebaixado no último ano depois da Assembléia Governamental de Gales que teve a intenção de tirar 2 milhões de euros do financiamento do evento, após a discursão de que o evento seria encenado no calendário da FIA - a FIA propós que ele retornaria apenas a cada dois anos.

Mas Mr Coe disse que o futuro do evento está garantido apenas para 2011 e que as discursões começariam "em um futuro próximo" para extender o evento - ele confirmou que o estágio custaria 3.5 milhões de euros.

Os organizadores também esperam números recordes de espectadores no evento com a atração de estrelas mundiais como Sebástien Loeb, Mikko Hirvonen e Kimi Räikkönen.

O evento - o 15° rali e o último do Mundial de Rali deste ano – voltará a ser sediado em Cardiff Bay.

Falando sobre visitar Cardiff para ajudar a aprovar planos para a rota de 2010 MR Coe disse que o evento seria um impulso enorme para o País de Gales.

Ele disse: “Nós temos um número emocionante de coisas para este ano em Cardiff – que será o eixo principal de novo e esperamos que ele será maior e melhor que antes.

“Finalisamos a rota para 2010, que para o rali é fundamental para pilotos e espectadores."

“Esperamos tomar a rota em novos lugares e usar um número de estádios que não tenham sido usados por mais de 10 anos."

Mr Coe disse que espera que o evento possa exceder os 70.000 espectadores que o evento atraiu ano passado - adicionando que com um bom tempo e com um emocionante campeonato poderia atingir 100.000, colocando o evento em uma forte posição para continuar após 2011.

Ele disse que o evento seria uma espécia de "inspiração" para as pessoas envolvidas no automobilismo - pela triagem e pela produção de programas de piloto e de co-piloto.

“É emocionante como os pilotos no terreno deste país são de forte qualidade e nós procuramos encorajá-los da forma que nós podemos."

“Nós estamos muito agradecidos que nós somos capazes de trazer o campeonato de volta ao País de Gales e temos o apoio da Assembléia do Governo para que nós possamos esperar o começo das discursões, " ele adicionou.

“Se nós fizermos nosso trabalho e a rodada do campeonato mundial oferecer um impacto econômico significante, eles viriam estender o patrocínio do evento no futuro."

“O País de Gales é muito sortudo, pois tem pilotos de classe mundial chegando aqui e pessoas de todo o mundo para assistir o rali e sentir a experiência que ele nos oferece. Esta é uma casa natural para o campeonato."

Fonte: Wales Online Tradução: By me, Carol
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